MEDITERRANEAN Baptist Missions



  • The Barnabas Project serves as a dedicated consultant Mediterranean Baptist Missions. Through a collaborative partnership, The Barnabas Project offers guidance, strategic insights, and tailored solutions to assist MBM in achieving its goals and objectives. With a deep commitment to empowering and enhancing the operations of MBM, The Barnabas Project plays a crucial role in ensuring the success and impact of their initiatives, ultimately contributing to the betterment of their shared mission.

  • We are actively engaged in website development for MBM. This collaborative effort involves designing and constructing a customized website tailored to MBM's specific needs and objectives. The Barnabas Project's experience in web development ensures that MBM will have a user-friendly and visually appealing platform to effectively communicate their mission, engage with their audience, and further their organizational goals in the digital landscape.

  • The Barnabas Project has successfully established and assists in managing the social media platforms for MBM. Our goal is to assist MBM in providing a dynamic and impactful online presence for the organization. With a focus on leveraging the power of social media, The Barnabas Project has designed and maintained platforms that enable MBM to connect with their target audience, raise awareness about their mission, and foster meaningful engagement. This strategic initiative enhances MBM's outreach and impact, enabling them to effectively communicate and collaborate in the digital realm.

  • The Barnabas Project has already produced one compelling teaser ministry overview video and is actively in the process of creating additional videos for MBM. These videos serve as powerful tools for conveying MBM's mission, showcasing their initiatives, and engaging with their audience in a visually impactful manner. By expanding their video content library, The Barnabas Project is helping MBM to effectively communicate their message and reach a wider audience, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the organization's vital work.

  • The Barnabas Project is currently engaged in branding development, and in some case branding creation, for MBM. This collaborative effort involves crafting a unique and cohesive brand identity that reflects MBM's values, mission, and vision. By refining and creating elements such as logos, color schemes, and messaging, The Barnabas Project is helping MBM establish a strong and recognizable brand that will resonate with their target audience and support their long-term goals, ultimately enhancing their organizational presence and impact.

$25,000 was raised with the media content we filmed for MBM ~

$25,000 was raised with the media content we filmed for MBM ~

Church Building in Progress!!

Mediterranean baptist missions

We are in the process of developing a fully functioning website for Mediterranean Baptist Missions so they can continue to more effectively build and plant churches all throughout the Mediterranean as they have been doing for years.

Stay up to date with all that God is doing through MBM with their Social Media platforms that our team created for them.

Would you consider donating to & supporting MBM through the online giving platform that was created by our team.

“M.B.M. is reaching the unreached where American missionaries can’t live, by equipping national pastors with education, training, and financial aid.”

~ Dr. Archie Norman - President of MBM