Noah’s Ark Children’s Home


Our partnership with NACH

  • The Barnabas Project acts as a consultant in a modest yet impactful capacity for Noah's Ark Children's Home, an orphanage dedicated to providing care and support for vulnerable children in Jamaica. Through their consultancy, The Barnabas Project offers guidance and valuable insights, aiding Noah's Ark in their mission to create a safe and nurturing environment for these children. While our contribution may be small in scale, it plays a significant role in strengthening the operations and impact of Noah's Ark, ultimately making a positive difference in the lives of the children under their care.

  • The Barnabas Project is engaged in producing ministry overview videos for Noah's Ark Children's Home in Jamaica with the content that The Barnabas Project filmed onsite in Jamaica. These videos will be a powerful means to showcase and share the impactful work and mission of Noah's Ark Children’s Home, providing an insightful window into their efforts to support and nurture children in need. The videos created by The Barnabas Project will play a crucial role in raising awareness and support for the home, helping to ensure that more children in Jamaica receive the care and attention they deserve.

  • The Barnabas Project serves as a strategic prayer partner, fervently praying for new resident missionaries to replace the retiring on-site missionaries at Noah's Ark Children's Home in Jamaica. Dedicated prayers are a source of strength and support, seeking guidance and divine intervention to bring forth the right individuals who will continue the essential work of caring for the children at NACH.

  • The Barnabas Project has recently traveled to Jamaica for the purpose of capturing media content for Noah's Ark Children's Home. By filming and photographing their initiatives, we are providing NACH with a valuable resource for future use on their social media platforms and website. This media content not only helps in showcasing the heartwarming work of the orphanage but also enables them to effectively engage their audience and share their mission, ultimately ensuring that the stories of the children and the impact of the organization are communicated effectively in the digital space.

We are currently producing Ministry Overview videos with the content that our media team filmed at Noah’s Ark Children’s Home in Jamaica.

Stay updated with all that God is doing with Noah’s Ark Children’s Home!

Would you consider sponsoring a child of Noah’s Ark Children’s Home in Jamaica?

Serving god, by serving others.

25 years of experience helping the underprivileged and impoverished in Jamaica.